
It's true. Customers love to receive promo products! What's even better is that they actually use them! Promotional items carry your logo and tag line to your existing and potential clients, and give you a chance to show your company's fun side. From pens and calendars to golf balls and thermoses, promotional products make great giveaways at trade shows, fundraisers and community events.

Marketing Tip:

A great way to use promotional products is as thank you gifts. Pop a pack of sticky notes with your logo on them or a box of customized breath mints in each shipped order as a way to say thank you to your customers. Or reward and thank your employees with a customized clock, picture frame, brief case or a nice pen. You'll be surprised at how much you will see your logo floating around the office and beyond!

promotional item
promotional item
promotional item
promotional item
promotional item
promotional item
promotional item
promotional item

our production process

Production of any kind can be a complicated, daunting and a confusing operation. The team at 7 Prisms has a system that eliminates surprises and make the creative production experience pleasant and rewarding, leaving you the freedom to concentrate on running your business.

Before you even become a client with 7 Prisms, our systems benefit you. What does that mean for you? When you choose 7 Prisms for your production needs, you receive excellent customer service throughout your entire relationship with us, as well as a high quality, polished designed products that exceeds your expectations. You will likely even have some fun along the way!

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Easily find the best fashion suitable for your printing or embroidery needs.

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Call us to discuss this lucrative opportunity of bringing a 7 Prisms to your city or selling our products in your city.


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